First Step Program – FSP
FSP provides service navigation, case management, informational workshops and employment support such as volunteer experiences and digital literacy groups; a central access point to take the first step.
Making Changes Life Skills
A group program that enables women to develop basic skills necessary to become clearer and stronger decision makers. Focus is on developing confidence and accepting responsibility for choices.
Financial Empowerment
Participants are empowered to take greater control of their personal finances to progress toward their life goals. Lessons include household budgetting, buying a car, managing debt, saving for education and more.
Career Exploration
An exploration program helping participants take the first steps to become “job ready” by showing them how to access their current skills, make informed decisions, and build confidence.
Exploring Self Employment
Participants weigh risks and benefits to understand if this option is right for them. Topics include: potential advantages and disadvantages; thinking long term; and business structures.
One-on-One Counselling
Individual counselling for women who experienced violence, domestic or otherwise, helping them regain confidence and work towards a sustainable livelihood, free from abuse.