Coats for Kids provides free winter outerwear from Infant to adult to those in need. No registration. No fee. “Coats for Kids" Contact: North Newmarket Lions Club 905-895-1441
Located in Vaughan, the clothing and footwear firm that supplies clothing and specialty footwear to seniors and the physically challenged, providing easy dressing solutions for any level of mobility * adaptive clothing and footwear is designed specifically for those facing physical challenges or for elderly seniors with arthritic, handicapped, disabled and/or lowered mobility issues * adaptive clothing incorporates domes/snaps, VELCRO, Easy Touch and Zipper closures in order to facilitate ease of dressing * free shipping and discount offers available
The Second Chance Clothing Depot and Food Closet are located in Sharon. If you or your children need clothes, you can find good quality free clothing which is open Weds mornings from 9:30-12.
Rosie’s Closet provides young mothers with access to baby clothing and essential items including food, diapers and wipes, baby formula and women’s toiletries. It is located in Newmarket out of the Rose of Sharon building.
We are a resource and referral center and help connect people to registered agencies and then offer further assistance via their case workers. Delivery Hope program provides survivors assistance through product distribution. This includes clothing (women, children and sometimes men), housewares, toiletries, bedding and much more.
Located in Aurora, you can get gently clothing used for Women, children and men. The Clothes Closet hours are Mon-Sat 9:30 am-11:30 am.
* Office Mon-Thu 9 am-4:30 pm, Fri 9 am-3 pm
* Office summer hours Mon-Thu 8:30 am-3 pm