Posts in Victim Services
Cedar Centre

Cedar Centre provides a unique and holistic approach to therapy, education and advocacy for those who have experienced trauma. Working from an anti-racist and anti-oppressive frameworks, serving all ages. We are committed to improving their lives through a trauma-specific therapy plan that is designed to meet each person’s unique needs, strengths and challenges.

John Howard Society of York Region

The organization has a Newmarket location. It provides programs and services to individuals who have been in conflict with the law or those at risk of that focus on crime prevention, intervention and reintegration. These include counselling, partner assault rehabilitation, services while incarcerated, community supports. For more information, click on Adult programs or Youth Programs from the Home Page.

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault (DASA) Care Centre of York Region

Free care for victims/survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault including emergency care following abuse or an assault, examination, testing, follow-up care, counselling and many other services as needed. Services are provided by health care professionals who are specially trained in forensics and trauma related to abuse and assault. The centre also provides counselling and support to family members and caregivers.

Sandgate, Women's Shelter of York Region Inc

Sandgate offers a wide range of services designed to support and empower women and their children who wish to transition to a life free of violence. You will find a home-like environment including;

Food, clothing, linen, personal items;
Housing support;
Access to legal and financial clinics;
Identification clinics;
Employment supports;
Personal needs allowance;
Support groups; and,
Child and youth services.

360°Kids Support Services

The Administration is in Markham and the programs are available throughout York Region. The organization provides comprehensive services for youth in crisis and at-risk, particularly when it is not safe for them at home. Programming ranges from interventions to meet the immediate needs of youth in crisis (shelter, trauma counselling, basic needs support) to more long-term development programs (afterschool programming, academic and Employment).

Assaulted Women's Helpline

The Assaulted Women’s Helpline is a free, anonymous and confidential 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis telephone line to all women in the province of Ontario who have experienced any form of abuse.

AWHL’s team of trained counsellors provide crisis counselling, safety planning, emotional support, information and referrals accessible 7 days a week, 365 days a year.