Georgina Trades Training Inc.

This is the place to go for industry certifications such as Smart Serve, Working at Heights, First and CPR and more. There is also information on Welding and Pre-apprenticeships.

Sylvie Lessard
Girls Incorporated of York Region

There are many options for your daughter to get further community support through a variety of programs. Programs are uniquely designed based on need, age, and goal. Programming is developed for children and youth starting at age 5/6-18 years old, for those who identify as a girl. The goal is to build trusting relationships within a pro-girl and girl-only* environment, where we deliver research-based, intentional, hands-on programming.

Home On the Hill Supportive Housing

Home on the Hill serves clients who have severe and persistent mental illness. These individuals often do not access service from mainstream mental health agencies.  Many have the symptom of anosognosia and lack insight that they have an illness, so believe that they do not need service. Services are also provided to their families.

Hospice Georgina

Hospice Georgina staff and volunteers can provide emotional, social and spiritual support to individuals facing a life-limiting illness. It can be helpful to have a good listener who understands and who offers simple companionship when it is so desperately needed. Well trained Hospice volunteers can help people to continue enjoying what is important in their lives despite health limitations.

John Howard Society of York Region

The organization has a Newmarket location. It provides programs and services to individuals who have been in conflict with the law or those at risk of that focus on crime prevention, intervention and reintegration. These include counselling, partner assault rehabilitation, services while incarcerated, community supports. For more information, click on Adult programs or Youth Programs from the Home Page.

Literacy Council York-Simcoe

Skills Upgrading Centre’s training programs are completely customized to your current skill level and educational goals. Our versatility allows for one-to-one tutoring, small class instruction or computer-assisted instruction so that you can learn at your own pace. We’re by your side every step of the way to guide you towards educational success.


EducationSylvie Lessard
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault (DASA) Care Centre of York Region

Free care for victims/survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault including emergency care following abuse or an assault, examination, testing, follow-up care, counselling and many other services as needed. Services are provided by health care professionals who are specially trained in forensics and trauma related to abuse and assault. The centre also provides counselling and support to family members and caregivers.

Parya Trillium Foundation

To provide a safe and welcoming space to meet the social and cultural needs of the Iranian-Canadian Community with the special focus on providing programs and services to newcomers, youth, and seniors. Our aim is to strengthen the capacity of the Farsi-Speaking community through education, social integration, community development and newcomer services.

Pro Bono

This resource will outline the steps to start your own small business in terms of legal requirements and offer free advice. Call if you need help with a civil matter (no family law or criminal law).